NATO Defense Ministers discuss ‘Smart defense’& its mission in Afghanistan

NATO Defense Ministers discuss ‘Smart defense’& its mission in Afghanistan - ảnh 1
The panorama of the ongoing NATO Defense Ministers Meeting in Brussels

(VOV) - Defense Ministers from 28 NATO member countries are gathering in Brussels to discuss enhancing the bloc’s defence capacity and the mission in Afghanistan after 2014, when they withdraw all their troops. This is also the first NATO defense ministers’ meeting since the Chicago summit in the US in May. On the first day, the ministers discussed implementing a package of 20 multi-national projects as part of the ‘Smart defence’ program which was adopted at the Chicago summit. These are projects relating to maritime patrol aircraft, robots to disarm mines and explosives, and a flying training center. An additional 10 multi-national projects will be put forward at the meeting focusing on network security. The defense ministers will also consider the defence capacity of each nation against the current economic crisis, to ask them to cut defense spending to help the organization strengthen its planning. NATO’s Secretary General Anders Rasmussen highlighted the need for NATO member states to make sure they have the right forces, structures and capabilities in place to make sure they can meet the security challenges of the 21st century. .

On the second working session, they will debate the hand-over of responsibilities for security to Afghan forces, following NATO’s departure in 2014. Escalating tensions in Turkey and Syria will also be mentioned on the sidelines of the meeting, although they don’t top the meeting’s agenda.

