NATO vows to support Ukraine

(VOVworld) – NATO foreign ministers agreed at a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday to form a temporary response group in charge of protecting NATO allies’ sovereignty.

NATO vows to support Ukraine   - ảnh 1
NATO foreign ministers approve some resolutions at the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday showing their support for Ukraine's government, (Photo: NATO)

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference that a group will be established by the beginning of 2015 comprised of troops from Germany, Norway, and the Netherlands. Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said the group’s initial size could be hundreds of troops and will increase in the future.
The NATO foreign ministers also issued a statement supporting reforms in Ukraine with several activities already in place. Stoltenberg said these are “a clear signal” of NATO’s interest in helping Ukraine’s defense forces become more modern, more transparent, and more effective.

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