New British PM pledges to improve post-Brexit trade deal

(VOVWORLD) -New UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Monday he will seek to improve the trade deal with the European Union and secure a much better deal than the botched deal that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson saddled the UK with.

New British PM pledges to improve post-Brexit trade deal  - ảnh 1New British Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Photo: Xinhua/VNA)

After meeting with Northern Ireland’s government in Belfast, Starmer said the new government needs to make changes in line with the current agreement to build trust and a more positive relationship with the EU.

The Labour party has ruled out rejoining the EU single market or Customs Union, but said some trade barriers with the EU could be removed.

Asked about the prospect of a referendum on a United Ireland after Irish nationalists Sinn Fein became the province's largest party in parliament, Starmer said he would "act in accordance with the Good Friday Agreement," the 1998 peace deal that ended three decades of sectarian violence.

Britain’s new Finance Chief Rachel Reeves announced extensive planning reforms to promote growth based on stability, investment, and innovation.

