New Year 2013 jubilantly celebrated worldwide

(VOVworld)- Despite chilly temperatures, thousands of Hanoians converged on August Revolution Square at midnight to celebrate the New Year. Local and foreign artists and DJs gave a special performance, including musical fountain and laser displays, to mark the 140th anniversary of Heineken. In HCM City, numerous activities are underway to excite local people in the New Year. Nguyen Quang Hai in Go Vap district shares his New Year resolution: “When the New Year comes, I wish for all the best and peace for our country. I wish everyone and especially soldiers heath to contribute to national construction and defense”.

About 4,000 tourists come to Hoi An to celebrate the New Year. Programs featuring Hoi An cultural traditions are held to welcome the tourists. In Lai Chau hydro power plant, the workers are still working hard. Nguyen Hong Ha, Director of the Son La-Lai Chau Hydro Power Plant Management Project says: “Thousands of workers and engineers are exerting every effort to fulfill their tasks. Last year, they managed to overcome difficulties caused by severe weather condition and insufficient funding. All of them are determined to fulfill their tasks despite numerous difficulties”.

New Year 2013 jubilantly celebrated worldwide - ảnh 1
New Year celebration in Hanoi

In her New Year message, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on German people to exert further efforts to cope with economic recession. UK Prime Minister David Cameron affirmed that the UK is going on the right track and will manage to deal with all the difficulties. In his New Year address, outgoing South Korean President Lee Myung Park called on Korean people to unite under the leadership of newly-elected President Park Geun Hye.

