Niger puts military on ‘maximum alert’

(VOVWORLD) - The junta in Niger has ordered its armed forces to go on highest alert, citing an increased threat of attack, according to an internal document issued by its defence chief on Saturday.
Niger puts military on ‘maximum alert’ - ảnh 1Niger’s military junta General Abdourahamane Tchiani. (Photo: AFP/Getty Images)

The document said as threats of aggression to the national territory are increasing, the order to be on maximum alert would allow all the armed forces to respond adequately in case of any attack and "avoid a general surprise".

The order was declared as the Economic Community of West African States Commission (ECOWAS) reaffirmed that it does not rule out the possibility of military action in Niger to restore constitutional order.

ECOWAS President Omar Alieu Touray insisted that military intervention remained one of the options the bloc was discussing, although he denied that it had already prepared a plan for the attack.

Meanwhile, thousands of people rallied in the capital Niamey on Saturday in support of the military leaders behind last month’s coup and demanded a complete end to the presence of French military in the African country.

France has about 1,500 soldiers stationed at several military bases in Niger under a cooperation agreement signed with the Niger government years ago.

But after the coup d'etat toppled President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, the Niger military junta announced the cancellation of all defense cooperation agreements signed with France.

On Friday, the new regime in Niger decided to expel the French ambassador in Niamey, claiming he refused to meet with the new rulers and citing French government actions that were "contrary to the interests of Niger".

