North Korea enters a "state of war" against South Korea

North Korea announced on Saturday that it was entering a “state of war” against South Korea and all matters between the two Koreas will be handled according to wartime condition.

North Korea enters a
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un directed the rocket units on standby at a meeting with top army commanders           Source: Reuters

North Korea’s KCNA News Agency quoted a statement by Pyongyang saying that the long-standing condition of the Korean peninsula of being neither peace nor war is finally over. The statement, issued jointly by the DPRK government, party and other organizations, warned that any military provocation near the land or sea border of the two sides would result "in a full-scale conflict and a nuclear war".

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed his concern that the unilateral military action on Korean Peninsula could spiral out of control and accelerate military activities. The warning came after North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered the country’s strategic rocket units to target at the US’s military base in South Korea and Pacific. The move happened after the U.S. B-2 stealth bombers flew over the Korean Peninsula which was considered a way to deal with Pyongyang.

