Officials present Tet gifts to needy people

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh presented gift packages to poor people from the Cham ethnic group in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday on the occasion of the upcoming traditional Lunar New Year (Tet). The Cham ethnic group is the third biggest community in HCM City with around 8,000 people. 
Officials present Tet gifts to needy people - ảnh 1 Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh (R) visits Cham ethnic people in Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: VNA) 

The same day, Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue visited needy households, Agent Orange/dioxin victims, and poor workers in the northern province of Vinh Phuc. The official along with representatives from the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, the Vietnam Red Cross Society, and local authorities presented gifts to 400 houses from disadvantaged backgrounds and social welfare policies. Also on Saturday, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Tran Thanh Man extended his New Year greetings while visiting Lac Duong district in the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong. He granted 150 gift packages worth one million VND (43 USD) each for poor and nearly-poor households in the district.

