Oil revenue accounts for 25% of Vietnam's GDP

Revenue from the oil and gas sector accounts for up to 25% of Vietnam’s GDP. This year the sector earned 34 billion USD including 7 billion USD from exports. Nguyen Quoc Thap, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Oil and Gas group (Petro Vietnam) said the group is aiming to expand its investment areas from the existing 18 countries such as Malaysia, Algeria, Japan, the US and South Korea to potential markets including Russia, South Africa and the Middle East. Thap said the group’s domestic projects are being  finalized: “We are running 6 projects worth around 3 billion USD in  seaports, which will serve oil and gas development. There are about 11 smaller projects worth about 2 billion USD. Petro Vietnam is confirming its role as a reliable and effective partner of foreign investors”.

