One French church attacker identified

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, French anti-terrorism prosecutor Francois Molins said 19-year-old Adel Kermiche was one of two jihadists who attacked a church near the city of Rouen, Normandy.

One French church attacker identified  - ảnh 1
Police guards the scene of the hostage taking incident in Saint Etienne du Rouvray.
(Photo: AFP/VNA)

Kermiche has twice been arrested on his way to Syria and was under house arrest and wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet at the time of the attack.

The same day, French President Francois Hollande said in a televised address that the Islamist terrorist threat to France and Europe has never been greater and that the war against Islamist militancy abroad and at home will be long.

Mr. Hollande said the attackers claimed to be members of Daesh, another name for ISIS. Speaking at the scene, he said France needs to fight IS with all means possible.

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