Painting exhibition of Vietnamese, American artists

Painting exhibition of Vietnamese, American artists  - ảnh 1
Mark Cooper (photo: internet)
(VOVworld) - Art exhibition “Yu Yu Vietnam Blue” by renowned US artist Mark Cooper in collaboration with Vietnamese partners is being held at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum in Hanoi. Mark Cooper is an installation painter and a sculptor.
His works have often been made from composite materials, Do paper , paints, prints, photos with various textures from different countries and cultures worldwide.
He is also known for his community-oriented works, featured by an interaction with children, students, patients and anyone who wants to joinhis works.
Such masterpieces were exhibited in famous locations in the US, such as Havard University (2015), the Museum of Fine Arts Boston (2013) and the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston (2013).
As part of the activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vietnam-US diplomatic ties, the event will last until January 9, 2016. The works will then be moved to Boston, the US for further display.

