Palestine submits to UN new draft resolution on ending Israeli occupation

(VOVworld) – On Monday Palestine submitted to the UN Security Council a new draft resolution urging an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and recognizing the 1967 borders toward establishing an independent Palestinian state.

Palestine submits to UN new draft resolution on ending Israeli occupation - ảnh 1

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the 69th United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters in New York, September 26, 2014.

A UN vote on the resolution will be held this week despite US opposition. The resolution, submitted by Jordan appeals to the UN Security Council to support a 3-year roadmap to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. The document also calls for UN recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and the issuance of a statement saying that Israel’s barriers in the West Bank are illegal, and urges the UN to ask Israel to free Palestinian prisoners and end the construction of new Jewish settlements. 

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