Papua New Guinea declares state of emergency in capital

(VOVWORLD) -Papua New Guinea's prime minister has declared a state of emergency in the capital city Port Moresby after at least 15 people died in violent riots on Wednesday. 
Papua New Guinea declares state of emergency in capital - ảnh 1Crowds are seen looting stores in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, January 10, 2024. Photo: AFP/VNA

Prime Minister James Marape said 1,000 defense personnel are on standby to react to any escalation in violence.

The leaders of finance and treasury as well as the national police commander have been suspended for 14 days, while the government conducts an investigation into the cause of the riot, Marape said, adding that there's evidence of organized riots taking place.

Violence erupted in Port Moresby on Wednesday evening after a group of soldiers, police officers and prison guards launched protests against the government over a pay cut that official blamed on an administrative glitch.

Within hours, riots had also taken root in the city of Lae, some 300 kilometers to the north. Violence subsided on Thursday after the government sent more police to maintain order.

