Party leader calls for cooperation between ruling parties of Vietnam and Myanmar

(VOVWORLD) - Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong has reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy of developing friendship and multi-faceted cooperation with Myanmar bilaterally, within ASEAN, and globally.
Party leader calls for cooperation between ruling parties of Vietnam and Myanmar  - ảnh 1 Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: Tri Dung/VNA)

Mr. Trong made the statement at Friday’s reception in Yangon for the leader of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD). He said following the establishment of a comprehensive cooperative partnership between Vietnam and Myanmar, the two ruling parties should increase cooperation and experience sharing for the development of each nation, in the interests of the two peoples, as well as for regional peace, stability, and development.

On behalf of the NLD Party's leadership, Mr. Nyan Win said he hopes the two parties will promote their relationship and increase the exchange of experience in national governance and coordination in multilateral forums, consolidating a political foundation for the comprehensive cooperative partnership between Vietnam and Myanmar.

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