Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits K and national hospital of pediatrics

(VOV) – Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong on Tuesday visited Vietnam National Cancer hospital or K hospital and National hospital of pediatrics on the occasion of Vietnamese Physicians’ Day, February 27th.

 Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits K and national hospital of pediatrics - ảnh 1

Mr. Trong said this is the day to honor and show society’s respect and gratefulness to the physicians. The Party leader said it is necessary to have good facilities and medicine to do good treatment but the most important factor is to have best doctors who know how to use them effectively. Mr. Trong asked the medical staff of the two hospitals to improve the quality of the treatment, solve hospital overloading and combine between modern and traditional medicine. Trong added medical staff should continuously study, improve their profession and keep their professional morality and ethics.

