Party leader urges new breakthrough to make Mekong Delta stronger

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has stressed the Party Politburo's newly-promulgated Resolution on socio-economic development and defense and security of the Mekong Delta region as he said regional development is of strategic significance not only for each region but also for the whole country.

Party leader urges new breakthrough to make Mekong Delta stronger - ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaking at the conference. Photo: Tri Dung/VNA

Mr. Trong addressed the Politburo and Secretariat’s national conference in Hanoi on Friday to implement Resolution 13 adopted early this month. He said the new resolution aims to create a new breakthrough in promoting the Mekong Delta’s special role and position and more effectively unlock its potential and advantages.

The Party General Secretary affirmed that the Mekong Delta is rich in historical, cultural and revolutionary traditions and glorious heroism and a place where the Vietnamese, Khmer, Chinese, Cham, and other ethnic groups have lived together for a long time with very unique cultural features and river civilization.

The Resolution defines that by 2030 the Mekong Delta will be the center of a green agricultural economy, producing large-quantity and world-class quality goods, and by 2045 it will be a modern, ecological and sophisticated development area imbued with a river-based cultural identity. It emphasizes regional connectivity and the unique strengths of each locality.

Party General Secretary Trong requested that after this conference, the entire political system of Mekong Delta localities quickly develop action plans.

