PM calls digital transformation a key socio-economic development task

(VOVWORLD) - Digital transformation is a key task and a breakthrough in achieving socio-economic development targets, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

PM calls digital transformation a key socio-economic development task - ảnh 1An overview of the eighth meeting of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in Hanoi on April 24, 2024

While chairing the 8th meeting of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in Hanoi on Wednesday, the PM underlined the need to focus on three strategic breakthroughs in building and improving institutions, including those related to digital transformation, training human resources, particularly high-quality personnel serving digital transformation, and developing infrastructure, including digital infrastructure.

The Prime Minister stressed the need to focus on four pillars identified as important drivers this year - the information technology industry, digitalization of economic sectors, digital governance, and digital data.

PM Chinh asked ministries, sectors, and localities to speed up digital transformation in budget collection and spending and expand cashless payment in social security.

PM calls digital transformation a key socio-economic development task - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh addresses the meeting.  

According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam has achieved strong results in digital transformation.

The national population database has been connected to 18 ministries, sectors, 63 provinces and cities, synchronized 268 million data on people, and 80.2% of all households using broadband internet. The fiber optic system has reached 100% of communes. 4G mobile broadband service covers 99.8% of the population with stable quality.

The digital economy’s share of Vietnam's GDP was 16.5% in 2023, with an annual growth rate of 20%, which is three times the GDP growth rate and the fastest growth rate in Southeast Asia for 2 consecutive years.


