PM Nguyen Tan Dung receives Brazilian Foreign Minister

(VOVworld)-Brazilian Foreign Minister said his country wants to foster the friendship and cooperation with Vietnam in the framework of a “comprehensive partnership”. In his meeting with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in Hanoi on Friday, Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota conveyed a message from President Dilma Vana Rousseff that he holds high esteem of Vietnam as an important member of ASEAN, a dynamic economy, a market of great potential and a close friend of Brazil . The minister said the two sides can boost bilateral ties in such areas as energy, bio-fuel, science-technology, culture and sports. Brazil will closely cooperate with Vietnam at international organisations and multilateral forums. The Minister expressed his interest in the situation in Southeast Asia as well as peace, stability and security in the East Sea . Prime Minister Dung affirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to developing the friendship and cooperation with Brazil . He suggested the two Governments strengthen cooperation in the fields of politics-diplomacy, trade, culture, education, sustainable development and poverty reduction. The two sides should speed up the signing of agreements to create a favourable legal framework for their comprehensive ties.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung receives Brazilian Foreign Minister  - ảnh 1
PM Nguyen Tan Dung receives Brazilian Foreign Minister (Photo: Internet)

On the same day, the Brazilian Foreign Minister held talks with his Vietnamese counterpart, Pham Binh Minh. They agreed to increase the exchange of delegations at all levels as well as maintain in regular activities of the Inter-Governmental Joint Committee and the political consultation mechanism between the two Foreign Ministries. They also agreed to work for the early signing of agreements on technical, educational and agricultural cooperation. The two sides pledged to strengthen cooperation in the framework of South-South and tri-party cooperation.

