PM Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam determined not to accept, yield to threats, impositions, dependence

PM Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam determined not to accept, yield to threats, impositions, dependence - ảnh 1
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung addresses a meeting with voters in Hai Phong- Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Hai Phong delegation of National Assembly deputies briefed voters in Ngo Quyen district on Wednesday on the outcomes of the 7th session of the 13th National Assembly. Local voters praised the deputies’ responses to social welfare, education, and anti-corruption and China’s illegal placement of an oil rig in Vietnam’s waters as well as its statement on the issue. Voters voiced their support for the Party, government and National Assembly’s stance to strongly object to and demand China withdraw its oil rig Haiyang 981 from Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said China’s placement of its oil rig in Vietnam’s waters seriously violated Vietnam’s sovereignty, international law, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea. The Prime Minister said:“We do our best to promote peace and friendship with China and other countries to develop the country and improve people’s lives. But peace and friendship must be based on ensuring independence, self-reliance, and sacred national sovereignty. We are determined not to accept or yield to any threats, impositions or dependence. We have done so, are doing so and will continue to do so”.

The Prime Minister reiterated Vietnam’s policy on maintaining and promoting economic, trade and investment ties with China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. With regard to socio-economic development tasks for 2014, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung pointed out the three major tasks: defending national sovereignty over seas and islands by all means, maintaining political stability and security, social order and managing to realize all the socio-economic targets set for this year.

