PM: reestablishment of Party’s Central Economics Commission necessary

(VOVworld) – The re-establishment of the Party’s Central Economics Commission last year proves its significant role.

PM: reestablishment of Party’s Central Economics Commission necessary - ảnh 1
PM Nguyen Tan Dung delivers a speech at a working session with the Party’s Central Economics Commission. (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

The Party trusts its leadership in all economic issues, according to Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at a recent working session with the Commission. He asked the Commission to continue its sound performance as the top agency providing strategic consultations, research, and proposals to the Party in developing and implementing socio-economic directives and policies. Dung urged the Commission to consolidate its apparatus, improve its personnel, and mobilize relevant central and local agencies, scientists, and experts in making recommendations to the Party. 


