PM renews Vietnam’s commitment to green economy

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has demonstrated determination and aspiration to go green by adopting a national strategy on green growth until 2030 with a vision to 2050, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said at the 2022 Green Economy Forum and Exhibition in HCM city on Monday.
PM renews Vietnam’s commitment to green economy - ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh. 

The event was co-hosted by the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham), the EU delegation to Vietnam, and some Vietnamese ministries and agencies.

Mr. Chinh emphasized that green economy, digital economy circular economy, and sustainable development are inevitable in socio-economic development and Vietnam will continue to create favorable conditions for EuroCham members to invest in the country, particularly in technology, IT, the support industry, smart agriculture, renewable energy and environmental protection.

On the sidelines of the forum, PM Chinh received Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher and European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans, and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius.

Mr. Chinh asked the Netherlands to continue assisting Vietnam in climate change adaptation, green and sustainable agriculture development, biodiversity protection, and development of seaports, green economy, and tourism in the Mekong Delta.

The PM told the European Commissioner that he hopes the EU will cooperate with Vietnam to develop sea-based economic activities, including sea farming, fishing, logistics, protecting and exploiting maritime resources, and ensuring security and safety of navigation and overflight at sea.

