PM says nCoV fight should not affect national development

(VOVWORLD) - Drastic actions must be taken to fight acute respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus (nCoV), but they must not affect Vietnam’s socio-economic development, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said on Wednesday at the Government’s regular meeting for January in Hanoi.
PM says nCoV fight should not affect national development - ảnh 1

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the Government’s regular meeting for January in Hanoi on February 5, 2020 (Photo: VGP/Quang Hieu)

He allowed that some economic growth could be “sacrificed” to protect people’s health and lives.

In the spirit of fighting the disease like “fighting an enemy”, PM Phuc underscored the need for strong measures to simultaneously ensure growth and combat nCoV.

At the meeting, Mr Phuc praised ministries, sectors, and localities’s efforts to ensure a happy, cozy, and safe Tet holiday for all.

Just as quick response teams have been set up to cope with nCoV, similar economy, finance and production teams should be established to respond to any economic slowdown, Mr. Phuc said.

He asked ministries and sectors to propose solutions to restructure production, import-export markets, tourism, and aviation, and deal with issues relating to public investment capital affected by the nCoV outbreak.

