PM urges Vietnam, New Zealand to boost trade, investment cooperation

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has suggested that Vietnam and New Zealand promote cooperation in trade and investment, increasing the bilateral trade. 
PM urges Vietnam, New Zealand to boost trade, investment cooperation  - ảnh 1 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives New Zealand's Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity, Food Safety, and Rural Communities Damien O’Connor 

Mr. Phuc made the suggestion at a reception for Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity, Food Safety, and Rural Communities Damien O’Connor in Hanoi on Wednesday. He said Vietnam will be Chair of ASEAN in 2020, when Vietnam and New Zealand mark the 45th anniversary of the bilateral partnership and 4th anniversary of the strategic partnership. The PM noted that Vietnam is determined to ratify the Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) this year and expects New Zealand to soon ratify this pact. Mr. Phuc urged for bilateral cooperation in producing and exporting Vietnamese avocado to the world. He proposed that New Zealand help Vietnam produce and create a value chain for Vietnamese dragon fruits. The guest said New Zealand is willing to support Vietnam in this field as well as in the management of food safety and others.


