PM: Vietnam determined to fulfill 2020 tasks despite COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - Cabinet members on Tuesday reviewed socio-economic development in May – the first month after social distancing was lifted and the economy entered the “new normal” period.

PM: Vietnam determined to fulfill 2020 tasks despite COVID-19 - ảnh 1 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chairs the monthly cabinet meeting on June 2, 2020. (Photo: VGP)

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc stressed that Vietnam has gone 48 days without COVID-19 infections in the community, and most of the patients have been discharged from hospital. He said Vietnam’s fight against the pandemic has been praised internationally.

The domestic tourism industry was also proven strong last month, Mr. Phuc said, adding that aviation and tourism were severely hit by the pandemic, but have begun to resume their normal activities.

The government has adopted a number of methods to tackle difficulties for businesses, according to the PM.

“May indexes are much better than those of April. We have been resolute in coping with challenges, reforming management, and overcoming breaks of the supply chains to attract both domestic and foreign investment," Mr. Phuc said.

"This is an opportunity for Vietnam to move ahead despite the difficulties and challenges faced by the world. We need to optimize this 'golden opportunity' while containing the spread of the pandemic. Major economic balances have been ensured, inflation reduced and people’s living standards improved.”

The Prime Minister called for a close watch on the international situation for policies on trade, investment and tourism to take advantage of the global shift of investment flows.

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