Preparation for Vietnam-Cambodia friendly borderline

 Preparation for Vietnam-Cambodia friendly borderline - ảnh 1

(VOV) - Representatives of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee and the National Council of the Solidarity Front for Development of the Cambodian Motherland met in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday to prepare for an international conference on building a peaceful and friendly Vietnam-Cambodia borderline. The two sides agreed that the international conference is scheduled for December 22-25 in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang. It is expected to draw the participation of representatives of Vietnam and Cambodia’s border cities and provinces. They reached a consensus on the working content of the upcoming conference which includes reviewing the two-year implementation of the Joint Communique on building a peaceful and friendship borderline, and signing of an emulation covenant among bordering cities and provinces.  Earlier, VFF Central Committee President Nguyen Thien Nhan had received a delegation of the National Council of the Solidarity Front for the Development of the Cambodian Motherland. Nhan confirmed that the solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia is a foundation and premise for mutual development in the coming time. He added that the international conference on building a Vietnam-Cambodia friendship and peaceful borderline is an activity of VFF to facilitate the process.

