President attends a seminar on General Cao Lo

President attends a seminar on General Cao Lo - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang has highlighted the significance of a seminar which discussed contribution made by General Cao Lo, who helped King Thuc Phan- An Duong Vuong to set up the Au Lac State in the 3rd century BC. Addressing the seminar in Hanoi on Wednesday , President Sang said honoring and paying gratitude to predecessors is part of the Vietnamese people’s tradition and morality. “Though the General that we honored today was from more than 2 millenniums ago, his life and career are always active in Vietnamese people’s minds through history and legends. The seminar was an opportunity for us to honor and show our gratitude to our predecessors who made great contribution to building and defending the country. At this seminar, we learned lessons for our current national construction and defense”, said President Sang.

The seminar was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

