President attends year-end meeting of procuracy sector

(VOVWORLD) -President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Friday commended achievements of the procuracy sector and urged it to uphold responsibility of the leaders in directing and performing tasks. 
President attends year-end meeting of procuracy sector  - ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the conference (Photo: VNA)

At a meeting of the Supreme People's Procuracy to review 2021 performance and outline tasks in 2022, President Phuc asked for stronger efforts to strengthen socialist legislation, ensure justice is enforced, contribute to building an orderly, disciplined and civilized society, and uphold the rule of law. 

“I would like to reiterate what Uncle Ho taught us, because prosecutors must have the qualities of fairness and integrity to be able to defend justice, protect human rights, and defend the right. Be objective and cautious not to unjustly offend innocent people and not to let criminals unpunished. Only modesty can be persuasive and supported by the people. The Procuracy must consider these as the professional qualities and working methods of each officer and prosecutor,” Mr. Phuc said.

On this occasion, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc awarded the second-class Military Merit Order to the Central Military Procuracy of the Ministry of National Defense.


