President Truong Tan Sang calls practical comments on Constitutional revisions

President Truong Tan Sang calls practical comments on Constitutional revisions  - ảnh 1

(VOvworld) - The Vietnam Fatherland Front on Wednesday held a conference to other opinions concerning the Constitutional amendments from intellectuals, lawyers and representatives of ethnic minority groups and religious dignitaries. The attendees agreed on the need to raise the role the Fatherland Front and people’s organizations in representing people’s democratic rights. They discussed the Fatherland Front’s role in the political system and its supervisory role and expressed the hope that the Fatherland Front would better demonstrate the strength of national unity considering it as a motivator and great resource for national development. In his address, President Truong Tan Sang said that the Constitution was the fundamental law of the State, reflecting the interests of the entire nation. He said that the gathering of people’s opinions on Constitutional revisions was designed as a way to include the wisdom of the people in order to ensure the Constitution truly reflected the people’s aspirations. The President said that the collection of public opinion on the revised  Constitution will continue through September 2013. Therefore, each agency and individuals should contribute their opinions and the compiling committee must listen and collect a broad range of opinions in order to ensure the Constitution meets the aspirations of the Party and people, said President Sang. 

