President Truong Tan Sang meets senior Public Security generals and leaders

President Truong Tan Sang meets senior Public Security generals and leaders - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang hailed the development of the Public Security sector over the past 70 years at a meeting with the sector’s senior generals, leaders, and heroes on Friday in Hanoi. He attributed the sector’s growth to the contributions made by the sector’s former generals, leaders, and staff, noting that the Party and State always acknowledge and appreciate their contributions to national construction and defense. He called on the sector to strive forward to meet new requirements of Vietnam’s development and international integration: "The Public Security sector is facing huge challenges protecting national independence, sovereignty, national territorial integrity, national security and order, to boost national development. The sector’s tasks are even more difficult to accomplish amid complicated developments in the world and increasing hostile activities against the Party, State, and national unity. The sector is asked to build a transparent, strong, and elite force, and to promote the role of the sector’s leaders and generals."

