President Truong Tan Sang praises outstanding disabled people

(VOVworld) – 325 delegates attended the 4th National Congress of outstanding disabled, orphans and protectors in Hanoi on Sunday. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Association for the Support of Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans. Addressing the congress, President Truong Tan Sang praised the disabled and orphans for overcoming their fates to gain achievements as well as their protectors and supporters. He said “In any circumstance, the Party and State takes good care and provides considerate assistance for the disabled and orphans. This is the moral code of our nation and fine nature of our regime. This noble cause requires the sentiment, responsibilities and joint efforts of the entire Party, people, the political system and society”.

President Sang called for more attention and support for the disabled and orphans.

President Truong Tan Sang praises outstanding disabled people - ảnh 1

