President Truong Tan Sang receives US Secretary of State John Kerry

President Truong Tan Sang receives US Secretary of State John Kerry - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – On Friday President Truong Tan Sang received in Hanoi the US Secretary of State John Kerry who is on a visit to Vietnam to mark the 20th anniversary of the normalization of bilateral diplomatic ties. President Sang expressed his delight at welcoming Mr. Kerry, not only the US Secretary of State but also a close friend of Vietnam who has contributed significantly to boosting bilateral ties. President Sang said that Vietnam attaches great importance to its relations with the US, one of Vietnam’s leading partners, adding that mutual trust is reflected in agreements reached by his visit to the US in 2013 and Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s recent visit to the US, as well as the release of the US-Vietnam Joint Vision Statement. Regarding the East Sea issue, President Sang hailed the US and G7’s attitude and stance on settling disputes among parties in the East Sea, and their support for Vietnam’s position on this matter. He added that it has contributed remarkably to maintaining peace, stability, security, as well as aviation and navigation safety in the East Sea.

Mr. Kerry briefed President Sang on the consensus reached at the just-concluded ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, which condemned the recent construction and expansion of islands in the East Sea, calling on concerned parties to abide by international regulations and laws.    

