President Truong Tan Sang’s activities in the US

President Truong Tan Sang’s activities in the US - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang met today with US senators and congressmen
(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang met today with US senators and congressmen and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations as part of his ongoing visit to the US. The congressmen said the Vietnamese President’s visit opens a new chapter in bilateral ties and that the US pays particular attention to the role Vietnam plays in regional issues, adding that the US Congress supports government policies promoting bilateral relations. The congressmen exchanged views on a number of regional issues including maritime safety and security in the East Sea and praised efforts by ASEAN and Vietnam to complete negotiations for a Code of Conduct in the East Sea. President Sang asked the congressmen to support multifaceted cooperation between the two countries on bilateral, regional and global issues. He called on the congressmen to boost the dialogue mechanism between Vietnam and the US and promote relations between the two countries’ localities. The Vietnamese President also discussed with the congressmen the protection and promotion of human rights in Vietnam in a frank and open manner.

President Truong Tan Sang’s activities in the US - ảnh 2
President Truong Tan Sang met with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde

On the same day, President Sang met with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and attended a round-table discussion with a number of US businessmen. President Sang asked the World Bank to continue its ODA for Vietnam and support Vietnam’s infrastructure development projects. He asked the IMF to increase its policy consultations and support for economic and growth model restructuring in Vietnam. Leaders of the World Bank and the IMF pledged to continue assistance to Vietnam and said they believe Vietnam will overcome all challenges to its macro-economy.

Speaking at a banquet held by US businesses, President Sang said Vietnam is vigorously reforming its economy and boosting industrialization, modernization and international integration. The country has become a bridge linking all ASEAN economies in a united economic space. This year, Vietnam has for the first time begun negotiations on free trade agreements with all major world economic centers to lay a solid foundation for equal, long-lasting, constructive and mutually beneficial partnership. Vietnam expects to complete negotiations on 14 free trade agreements between 2015 and 2020 to become an important link in a network of 55 economic partners, 15 of which are members of the G20. President Sang said Vietnam attaches great importance to negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership, which promises to become one of the world’s most important economic groups.  

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