President Vo Van Thuong meets with intellectuals, scientists, artists

(VOVWORLD) - President Vo Van Thuong has praised intellectuals, scientists, and artists for their great contributions to national development.
President Vo Van Thuong meets with intellectuals, scientists, artists - ảnh 1President Vo Van Thuong meets with intellectuals, scientists, artists (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at a meeting with 210 outstanding intellectuals, scientists, artists and writers in Hanoi on Thursday, the President highlighted the aspiration for national development until 2030 and 2045 and urged the intellectuals, scientists, artists and writers to be creative, continue to accompany the Party and the nation, overcome all challenges, and obtain even greater achievements.

President Vo Van Thuong asked them to participate in research and summarizing 40 years of national renewal, building documents for Party Congresses at all levels, towards the 14th Party Congress, and reviewing 50 years of Vietnamese literature and art since the country's reunification.

The President believes and hopes that Vietnamese intellectuals, scientists, artists, both at home and abroad, will jointly promote the strength of the great national unity to bring the country to further development

