President’s visit to Laos fosters special solidarity

President’s visit to Laos fosters special solidarity  - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang visits a latex processing factory

(VOVworld)- As reported previously, State President Truong Tan Sang has arrived in Hanoi, successfully concluded his 3 day official visit to Laos. The visit was made at the in invitation of General Secretary of the Laos People’s Revolutionary Party and State President Chummaly Sayason. It was aimed at strengthening the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, opening up the Vietnam-Laos Friendship and Solidarity Year 2012.   

Through bilateral talks and contacts, both sides reiterated that such a good relationship has been constantly consolidated and the political relations have created preconditions for economic cooperation.

President Truong Tan Sang, Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Laos’ 2 Deputy PMs attended a discussion to promote Vietnamese investment  in Laos’ central and southern provinces. Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lenhsavat expressed the Lao government’s belief in the fruitful cooperation with Vietnamese businesses and pledged to create favorable conditions for them. He said: “I fully agree with proposals which reflect our deep sentiment. Vietnamese businesses who are given investment licenses need to be assisted to solve their difficulties. President Ho Chi Minh taught us that we help friends as much as we help ourselves.  

During President Sang’s visit to Laos, both sides reached agreements on a wide range of areas, including a protocol and 2012 plan for educational cooperation. Many Vietnamese companies inaugurated or started projects in Laos. Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh comments on the visit:

Both sides have mutual understanding and determination to nurture the special solidarity, traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation. Through the visit, Lao people from central and local leaders to ordinary people showed their special bond to Vietnam, considering it an invaluable asset which should be maintained and developed for future generations.”

