Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam determined to defend national sovereignty

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam determined to defend national sovereignty  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on Wednesday hosted a reception for visiting Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi who is in Hanoi for a meeting between the Chairs of the Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation between the two countries. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said pursuing a consistent external relation policy, the Vietnamese Party, State and people always remember and are grateful for the great support and help of China. He affirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to the maintenance and development of the comprehensive cooperation on an equal and mutually-benefiting basis for mutual development between Vietnam and China. The Vietnamese Prime Minister noted that in particular, during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Vietnam last year, the two sides reached a number of specific agreements to further their cooperation, including the formation of three working groups on cooperation in infrastructure, finance-monetary and discussion for cooperation for mutual development at sea in the framework of the Governmental Negotiation Team on Vietnam-China Boundary and Territory.  He said leaders of both countries also agreed that during the search for a basic and long-term solution to sea-related issues, the two sides would work together to keep control of the situation and not make any move that could expand disputes, while promptly and suitably dealing with any arising problems to prevent them from affecting the development cooperation between the two countries.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam determined to defend national sovereignty  - ảnh 2

Regarding China’s placement of its drilling rig Haiyang 981 deep inside Vietnam’s waters, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung reiterated Vietnam’s consistent stance as stated during bilateral communications at different levels over the past time and at the talks earlier on Wednesday between Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and State Councillor Yang Jiechi. Dung made clear that China’s act seriously violates Vietnam’s sovereignty and the agreements reached between leaders of both countries as well as infringes international law, the 1982 United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties on the East Sea (DOC).
The Vietnamese Prime Minister stated that China’s act also threatens peace, stability, security and safety of navigation and aviation in the region, while causing indignation and hurting the sentiments of Vietnamese people, putting negative impacts on the cooperation between the two Parties and countries. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung requested China to withdraw its rig and ships from Vietnam’s waters and join talks for the settlement of disputes and differences between the two countries by peaceful measures in accordance with international law and the common perception of the two countries’ leaders. The Prime Minister added that at the same time, the two sides should control the situation to prevent conflicts while maintaining contact and talks to solve the current disputes. At the same time, the Prime Minister said Vietnam will resolutely struggle to defend its sovereignty by peaceful measures in line with international law. Regarding the Chinese State Councillor’s opinion on the security and safety of Chinese businesses and citizens, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said in a number of Vietnamese localities, some people took advantage of rallies protesting China’s illegal placement of its oil rig in Vietnam’s waters to break the law, causing damage to some foreign-invested enterprises including Chinese-invested businesses. The Prime Minister affirmed that the incidences are regrettable and undesirable, adding that the Vietnamese government has promptly put an end to the violations, stabilised the situation and strictly punished the law violators while taking timely measures to support the affected businesses. He said all affected enterprises have resumed normal production and business activities. For the sake of common interest of both countries, PM Dung said the two sides need to maintain existing cooperation mechanisms and hold the seventh session of the steering committee on bilateral cooperation soon to discuss concrete measures to push forward the cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of economics, trade, investment and tourism. State Councillor Yang Jiechi informed Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung about the outcomes of his talks with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh. He affirmed that the Party, Government and people of China attach importance to and have never changed the motto of friendship in the relations with Vietnam. Yang Jiechi presented China’s stance on the dispute at sea and voiced agreement that the two sides continue to maintain discussion channels and bilateral contact to solve the current tensions while promoting the existing bilateral cooperation in different fields.

