Prime Minister’s WEF attendance, Hungary and Romania visits of great significance

(VOVWORLD) - The 54th World Economic Forum (WEF-54), taking place from Monday to Friday, is an opportunity for Vietnam to promote cooperation with Switzerland, other partners, and international organizations in economy, trade and investment in line with the foreign policy set by the 13th National Party Congress, said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Hang.

Prime Minister’s WEF attendance, Hungary and Romania visits of great significance - ảnh 1Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Hang. (Photo: VNA)

She was speaking at a press interview to discuss the importance of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's upcoming trip to Davos, Switzerland, to attend WEF-54 and pay official visits to Hungary and Romania from Tuesday to January 23. Ms. Hang outlined PM Chinh’s busy agenda, which includes delivering speeches at major sessions, chairing dialogues with executives of global corporations, and meeting bilaterally with leaders of countries, international organizations, and businesses.

After WEF-54, Mr. Chinh and his wife will pay official visits to Hungary and Romania from Tuesday to January 22.

PM Chinh will meet with senior leaders of Hungary and Romania, and visit universities, research centers, businesses, friendship associations, and the Vietnamese community in each country.

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