Protests against austerity policies countinue

Protests have taken place in some European countries while the governments of the euro zone are still looking for ways to deal with escalating debt crises. In Czech Republic’s capital city of Prague, more than 2000 protestors, including university teachers and students and trade union activists protested the economic policies of the government. They held up slogans demanding the government to resign saying that now in the Czech Republic, freedom and solidarity is replaced by capitalism corruption.

Thousands of teachers and students have taken to streets of Madrid to oppose the plans on education funding cut. The protesters blocked the entrance to the parliament building. Other protests also took place in Barcelona city.

Meanwhile, in Greece, the police used tear gas to disperse student demonstrators in the capital city of Athens, who are against the government’s austerity policies.

In London, demonstrators against capitalism on Thursday refused to leave the square in front of the Church of St. Paul before 6 p.m set by the London financial centre.

In the US, “Occupy Wall Street” supporters protested on Thursday all over the country. They threatened to paralyze the city of New York and other cities. Protesters were chanting "Close Wall Street, all day and week." Security forces with vehicles and iron fence were tumbled by protestors who managed to move further into the financial center of New York. More than 60 people were arrested when they surrounded the intersection near the Stock Market on the Wall Street. In the city of Los Angles, about 500 supporters of the "Occupy Wall Street” movement gathered at the tower of the Bank of America and Wells Fargo Square, chanting “ the Bank is safe, and we have to pay." Meanwhile, protesters in the city of Las Vegas announced that they will set up tents in front of the Federal Court.


