Provincial Competitiveness Index to be announced on April 11

(VOVWORLD) - The Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) for 2022 will be released next Tuesday by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Provincial Competitiveness Index to be announced on April 11 - ảnh 1Provincial Competitiveness Index 2022 will be released on April 11. (Photo: Economy & Forecast Review Online)

PCI 2022 was based on survey responses from 12,000 businesses in Vietnam. This is the 18th consecutive year VCCI has released an index to review and rank economic governance quality, business environment, administration reform in Vietnamese cities and provinces for the private sector’s development. 

PCI is considered the biggest annual survey for businesses in Vietnam, reflecting the Vietnamese business sentiment and foreign investors’ viewpoints on Vietnam’s business environment, especially in investment procedures, tax, social insurance, land, import-export, and the quality of labour. 

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