Putin talks to guests on the sidelines of Sochi Olympics

Putin talks to guests on the sidelines of Sochi Olympics - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- Russian President Vladimir Putin has held several meetings with senior leaders of countries participating in the Sochi Olympics. During his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Putin said:“We are effectively cooperating in a number of international agencies. We have set up several new cooperative mechanisms including cooperation at Foreign and Defense Ministerial levels which is contributing to enhancing mutual trust. The two countries have expanded economic and trade relations. All these will help resolve most complicated international problems”

The Japanese leader expressed his hope to strengthen bilateral ties with Russia. The two leaders agreed to hold another bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G8 Summit to be held in Sochi in early June.

The same day, President Putin discussed bilateral economic cooperation and joint projects with President of Kyrgyzstan.

