Religious representatives extend Tet greetings to Vietnam Fatherland Front leaders

(VOVworld) - Lê Bá Trình, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), called on Caodai dignitaries and followers to further contribute to national unity and development at Thursday meeting with a delegation of the Caodai Holy See’s Reform Committee, who came to visit and extend Tet wishes to the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

Religious representatives extend Tet greetings to Vietnam Fatherland Front leaders - ảnh 1
Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Le Ba Trinh receives
a delegation of the Caodai Holy See’s Reform Committee in Hanoi on February 5th, 2015. Photo: VOV

The same day, he received a delegation from the Xuan Loc Catholic Diocese in Dong Nai province led by Nguyen Van Chien, Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council. Trinh hailed the Council’s achievements and the close bonds between the local government and Catholic bishops, priests, and followers. He asked the Xuan Loc Catholic dignitaries to help the Vietnam Committee for Catholic Solidarity fulfill its tasks of connecting the government with Catholic followers.

