Russia and China veto UN Security Council resolution on Syria

(VOVworld) World countries voiced different opinions about the UN Security Council’s resolution on Syria . On Saturday, Russia and China vetoed United Nations Security Council resolution that backed an Arab League plan to “facilitate” a political transition in Syria . The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said the resolution put to a vote “did not adequately reflect the real state of affairs in Syria.” Russia urged for a more object UN resolution to help Syria put an end to the on-going violence. China supported Russia ’s proposal for a revised resolution, saying other members of the UN Security Council need more discussion on the resolution.

Russia and China veto UN Security Council resolution on Syria - ảnh 1
Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin. (Reuters / Keith Bedford) -RT

Meanwhile, Western countries and Arab voiced their dissatisfaction over Russian and Chinese veto. US Foreign Secretary Hilary Clinton warned that the risk of more bloodshed and civil war in Syria had risen after the collapse of the U.N. resolution. But she also ruled out any military intervention into Syria .

In a statement released after the voting, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon expressed his regret that the Council has not agreed on a united action. The statement called on an immediate end to violence on Syrian civilians. He reiterated that the UN is always ready to further cooperate with the international community, especially the Arab League to help Damascus find a long-term peace solution through a democratic process.  

