Russia Duma calls on US to end sanctions against Cuba

Russia Duma calls on US to end sanctions against Cuba - ảnh 1
Photo: AP

Russian State Duma (House of Representative) has called on the US to end its economic, trade and financial sanction against Cuba. This is the 10th time since 1994, the Duma has made this call. In yesterday’s announcement, the Duma referred to United Nation’s resolution that asks the US to stop its economic blockade against Cuba. The US unilateral sanction not only hinders the economic development of the “Island of Freedom” but also violates the legitimate rights and interests of Cubans living overseas. The US’ embargo has cost the Cuban economy more than 108 billion USD by December last year. Russian State Duma once again called the US Congress to reconsider the Helms-Burton Act and other documents that are blocking economic and trade cooperation with Cuba so as to remove the remnants of the “Cold War”. The Duma also called on parliaments of all UN members join effort and urge the US to lift its sanctions against Cuba.

