Russia, US promote peace initiative for Syria

Russia, US promote peace initiative for Syria - ảnh 1
Russian and American top diplomats Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry met in Bali on the sidelines of the APEC summit [AP]

(VOVworld)- The Geneva 2 Peace Conference on Syria will be held in the second week of November, Moscow and Washington agreed on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Bali. Top Russian and American diplomats Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry have mapped the necessary steps for the conference to be held in mid-November, including major prerequisites for participation of the Syrian government and the opposition. Sergei Lavrov said that they agreed on measures to ensure that both the Syrian government and the opposition attend the conference. Lavrov reiterated that Russia was content with Damascus’s cooperation with weapon inspectors in the process of chemical weapon disarmament. US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the conference would be held in the middle of next month.

Also today, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon proposed setting up a joint mission based in Cyprus to complete the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapon programs in a timely and safely manner.

