Russian Ambassador bids farewell to State leader

(VOVworld) - Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Andrei Kovtun paid a farewell visit to President Truong Tan Sang Wednesday before ending his tenure in Vietnam. President Truong Tan Sang took the occasion to express pleasure at the growing cooperation between the two countries in the fields of politics, diplomacy, education-training and security-defence. 

Russian Ambassador bids farewell to State leader - ảnh 1

He noted that Russian investment in Vietnam has surged this year, adding that he hopes the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, when signed and come into force, will further increase bilateral trade between Vietnam and Russia as well as the two other countries. On behalf of the Party and State of Vietnam, President Truong Tan Sang presented the Friendship Order to Ambassador Kovtun in recognition of his contributions to promoting the traditional friendship and the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia. Ambassador Kovtun said leaders and people of Russia are looking forward to President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to Russia to attend celebrations of the 70th anniversary of victory over fascism next year.

