Russian people support President V.Putin after one year in power

President Vladimir Putin has met the Russian people’s aspiration after one year of rule in his third presidential term.

Russian people support President V.Putin after one year in power - ảnh 1
Russian President Vladimir Putin    

This is the result of a public opinion poll announced by Russia’s Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) on Monday. According to FOM, up to 72 percent of the Russian people said that during the past year of this term, President Putin lived up to his role and responsibility as a president better than in his two previous terms. Meanwhile, 76 percent said that Putin had managed to build a trustworthy cabinet to implement his plans. 44 percent of respondents spoke highly of President Putin for his effective rule and his willingness to listen to people’s ideas. Nikolay Mironov, Director General of Institute of Priority Regional Projects, said the figure shows that most Russian people highly appreciated Putin’s presidency over the past year. Mironov added that the Russian people consider President Putin a trustworthy and experienced politician and leader who knows what the top priorities are, thus the Russian people’s support for him remains strong.

