Seminar on challenges to Vietnam’s international integration

(VOVworld) – Delegates from 14 northern provinces gathered in Thai Nguyen Wednesday to discuss challenges to Vietnam’s international integration.

Seminar on challenges to Vietnam’s international integration  - ảnh 1
The event was held in Thai Nguyen, July 1, 2105 (Photo: Baothainguyen)

Chaired by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son, participants focused on the global situation and the Party and State’s foreign policies, global economic integration in the new period, opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese localities and businesses, the establishment of the ASEAN Community later this year, and impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement on Vietnam.
Son said the Party and state’s policies on external relations have contributed to Vietnam’s renewal process initiated by the Party at the 6th Party Congress.
The 11th Party Congress insisted on a Vietnamese foreign policy of independence and self-reliance for peace, co-operation, and development, multi-lateralisation and diversification of relations, and active and proactive international integration, and to be a friend, reliable partner, and responsible member of the international community. 

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