Seminar on pricing ecosystem interests and services

(VOVworld) – A seminar on pricing ecosystem interests and services was held in Da nang city on November 19, as part of the 5th East Asian Seas Congress. The participants, including ecologists, economists, maritime managers and planners, and local authorities, said pricing ecosystem services and categorizing coastal functions were important tools in managing maritime resources.

Seminar on pricing ecosystem interests and services - ảnh 1
(Illustrative photo)

Another seminar was also held on good practices and barriers to implementing integrated coastal management (ICM) in Vietnam and promoting cooperation for the protection of natural resources and environment of the seas of East Asia.

As a member of the Partnerships in Environmental Management in the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), Vietnam has made active contributions to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) as well as other programs and projects.
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