Solutions for the Mekong Delta to adapt to drought and salinity intrusion discussed

(VOVWORLD) - A forum on the impact of drought and salinity in economic development and enterprises in the Mekong Delta region was co-organized by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Can Tho city (VCCI Can Tho) and the Asia Foundation (TAF) in Can Tho city on Friday.
Solutions for the Mekong Delta to adapt to drought and salinity intrusion discussed - ảnh 1Director of VCCI Can Tho Nguyen Phuong Lam  addresses the conference. (photo:

A forecast of the World Resources Institute says that if the sea level rises 1 meter without effective prevention measures, about 40% of the Mekong Delta area will be flooded. Flood will make nearly half of the agricultural land unsuitable for farming.

The participants recommended the authorities to combine climate change response programs on the city’s socio-economic targets and build information and communication channels on the impacts of climate change on businesses and local communities. Businesses should actively development strategies and technology application to increase competitiveness.

Director of VCCI Can Tho Nguyen Phuong Lam said: "Under the pressure of climate change, we need to have innovative and suitable solutions, such as shrimp farming without using seawater and breeding varieties of plants to adapt and withstand drought and salinity. The forum delivers messages and tasks that the business community should participate in with the government to realize Vietnam’s commitments at COP26.”

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