South Korea urges talks with North Korea

(VOVworld) – South Korean Unification Minister Hong Yong-pyo urged North Korea Sunday to come forward for talks, saying all pending issues can be resolved through dialogue. Hong said during an interview with state broadcaster KBS that the two Koreas should meet and resolve various pending issues, be it through high-level contact or working-level talks added that two sides should find a way to resume the Mount Kumgang tours by meeting and holding dialogue.

South Korea urges talks with North Korea  - ảnh 1
South Korean Unification Minister Hong Yong-pyo (Photo:Reuters)

Hong stressed that Seoul needs a guarantee from Pyongyang that it will ensure the safety of South Korean tourists. Hong also pledged to do his best to arrange another reunion of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War. North Korea has spurned the South's proposals for government-level talks but instead demanded the resumption of a joint tour program to its scenic Mount Kumgang, which was suspended in 2008 following the shooting death of a female South Korean tourist there.

