South Korea, US reaffirm strong alliance

(VOVworld) South Korea and the US have agreed to maintain a strong alliance despite uncertainties in Korea.
South Korea, US reaffirm strong alliance - ảnh 1
South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and US Secretary of State John Kerry
(Source: Yonhap News)
South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said during a 15-minute telephone discussion on Saturday, South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed to keep the two countries’ current cooperation momentum. Yu urged Kerry to ensure that the next US administration will continue to prioritize the North Korean issue and focus on Asia. The top diplomats agreed to keep a close eye on any possible North Korea provocations. Minister Yun Byung-se also reaffirmed that Seoul will maintain its diplomatic and security policies despite its current domestic conditions. Mr. Kerry vowed to do his best to ensure that the new US administration will stick to the Obama administration’s diplomacy.

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