South Korea, US vow to strengthen defense against North Korea

(VOVworld) – The US and South Korea reaffirmed the two countries' commitment to forming a strong joint defense posture against North Korea's provocations.

South Korea, US vow to strengthen defense against North Korea - ảnh 1

Gen. Lee Sun-jin, Chairman of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), talks with his U.S. counterpart Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford over North Korea's nuclear and missile issues on Feb. 1, 2017 (Photo: Yonhap)

In a phone call with his US counterpart, General Joseph Dunford, on Wednesday, Chairman of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), General Lee Sun-jin, stressed the importance of implementing goals set by the first Seoul-Washington joint defense cooperation talks in December. The two sides also reaffirmed the US commitment to regularly deploy strategic weapon to South Korea to better counter North Korea's threats.

South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported on Tuesday that the US plans to send its strategic arms, including B52 bombers and aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, to South Korea to participate in two South Korea-US joint military exercises set in March.

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